Friday, May 13, 2011


Here is one I worked on last night as my husband and brother worked hard to replace the brake line on my truck.

I love this quote, I found it while I was just passing time and when I found it I had to use it :) I was about to start the page over since I didn't like how it first turned out. But then I added the ribbons and buttons and it made it perfect! At least I like to think so :) Brings a whole new meaning to "Should you ever fail, try try again"

Here Comes the Bride

Ok so yes, I have been slacking a bit in posting some new digi layout pages. Things have been pretty busy here lately. I finally made it to a day off so I thought it would be the perfect time to do some catching up. :) So far I've made two pages. Tell me what you think!

This moment was very special to me. (As it is to all brides) Looking at this reminds me that I've always been a daddys girl. Even a marriage cannot change that. :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I Do

I love this picture...

This picture is of Jason and I exchanging our vows.

Just thinking back to this moment brings back all the butterflies I had.

As for the layout, the paper I just added some swirly-to-das and changed the transparent level...
Can you believe Jason actually helped me with this layout! It was awesome. :)